Sunday, December 6, 2009

Good News. Actually, Great News...

Hey haters! Choke on this...

ACCEPTED to Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Crazy thing is, I sent my application in six days ago, so I was a little upset when I saw the package at first. I thought it was more recruitment material and I was like "I already have enough brochures. God."

Anyway, turns out I not only got admitted, they're giving me full scholarship in the ballpark of $120,000. And I got a handwritten note from the law school's dean asking me to pretty please accept admission. Worst comes to worst, I graduate almost completely debt-free from a pretty decent law school. That's win.

Take note, other law schools. These guys called first dibs and they treated me right. This is what you have to top. And then there were 17. I'm still not even done sending out applications yet. Hah.

And Baylor -- thank you. I withdraw the Branch Davidian joke I made earlier.


  1. Branch Davidian jokes are the best (next to Biden jokes, of course) and even Waco knows that.

  2. Yeah, but my mom's starting to go overkill on the Branch Davidians. Now I know how actual Wacoan (Wacoites? Wacotians?) feel. I'm just like "ha, it was kind of funny the first time, but seriously, let's quit while we're behind, that reference is dated at best."
