Monday, December 21, 2009

Tabla Rasa

Dear 2010 --

Please get here soon. I did a lot of dumb shit in 2009, and I kind of want to just write this whole year off and call it "finding myself." Oh, learning the hard way about actions and your silly, silly consequences.

I've got fences to mend, bridges to burn, things to forget, and lessons to remember. I need a new start, a clean slate, a second (third? fourth?) chance. I need to limit my intake of Whataburger, caffeine, and The Fray. I should learn to stop going into bulldog argument mode when it comes to politics and instead talk about X-Men mythology more. I need to reconcile New Me with Old Me. I need to do a better job at balancing forces in opposition.

And also, I'm curious to see how many people say "Two thousand ten" as opposed to "Twenty ten."

So stop by when you can. But I'm in no rush. As the Arabs say, al-sabour jameel -- patience is beautiful. See you on the flip side, 2010. And 2009, go to Hell. Don't get me wrong, we had some good times together. But seriously, I'm through with you.

Your pal,
El Guero


  1. I like your writing style. Quite entertaining!

  2. You know, I was thinking that I did pretty good for myself in 2009. I kept one of my resolutions until Dec. 15, and still haven't broken the other. I recouped my grades this semester. I've been making an effort lately to be nicer to people.


    I did a lot of shit that I shouldn't have. I shot my GPA all to hell last semester, and my mouth has gotten me into more trouble than I ever thought it would.

    We all need a fresh start. And we'll get it. Man, you know what will help us be more optimistic about the future? Booze. Lots of it. (At least if it won't help us be optimistic about the future, it should help us forget the past.)

    PS...X-Men mythology! Do you remember when you found out about the Afghani Girl X-Man that can turn herself into a sandstorm and wears an abaya? Cause I do.

    Sorry for the novel-length comment. :)

  3. Ha no problem. And yes, I remember the X-Man (woman?) in the abaya. Man. I cause so much controversy. Here's to 2010 and all the drama it's bound to bring.
