Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thought Vomit

"Okay. Shut up. Conversation over. Stuff as many of these into your coat pockets as you can." -- Me to my brother, in the middle of a deep philosophical conversation, re: bottles of Jack

Found out that I'm either 1/16 Apache or 1/16 Huichol Indian from Mexico. Either way, I now understand why I have patchy facial hair.

I *hate* rock music. And metal. And whatever else my brother listens to. And I do NOT want to go to shows.

I'm 94 percent sure this girl in North Africa is in love with me. She's spazzing out over Facebook because she's having problems with her ex. As a result, Im only 78 percent sure the videos she posts with the caption "to my baby!!!" are for me. I'm scared.

So I thought I had a deadly disease. And my doctors thought I had a deadly disease. And it turns out I did have a deadly disease. But my immune system fought it off. So yay!

I broke my glasses. Sad panda. Sad, blind panda.

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