Friday, November 20, 2009

Aaaaand We're Off

Started sending off law school applications today. So far I've slogged through seven. They are:

Santa Clara University -- Santa Clara, California
Loyola Marymount University -- Los Angeles, California
University of Miami -- Coral Gables, Florida (wtf? how?)
University of San Diego -- San Diego, California (no false advertising there. Just kidding UM, hah hah...please don't hate me, it was a joke...)
University of Texas -- Austin, Texas
Washington and Lee University -- Lexington, Virginia
College of William & Mary -- Williamsburg, Virginia

Most of these schools gave me fee waivers because I'm an underrepresented minority, and thank God for that. Law school applications are ridiculously expensive. Duke and Pepperdine offered me waivers, too. I'm tackling their applications next. Columbia University also offered to let me apply for free, but I haven't even really looked at their application in depth. I should probably get around to that. I've been avoiding East Coast schools, but New England needs Mexicans, particularly non-threatening Mexicans.

C'mon, guys. Papa needs a scholarship...

Also, my blood pressure is up. A ridiculous amount, resulting from trying to treat other health problems. Anyways, long story short, yesterday was the first day in months I have been truly caffeine-free. It was grim. As of 4:30 mountain time, I have been without caffeine for more than 36 hours. *Shakes, itches* I've also initiated the "Eat a Banana, Dammit!" campaign. Want a snack? Need to lower sodium levels? Lose weight? Have an ethical dilemma. Eat a banana, dammit.

P.S. Dear Body -- STFU and do your job.

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