Monday, November 9, 2009

Couples Therapy With America

I’m starting to feel like I’m in a loveless marriage.

I want to like Obama. I really, really do. He’s nice, sweet, smart, well-dressed, and the last guy we were with was totally abusive. But sometimes – I wish he would mispronounce "nuclear." Sometimes I wish he’d grin mischievously and lie to me. And sometimes, I wish he’d do something spontaneous, like invade something, just to make us feel good for a few fleeting months.

Speaking of, you know what I don’t understand?

We invaded a country with HUGE oil reserves. And we invaded a country with VAST heroin fields.

So how did both those wars end up sucking SO BADLY? Those should have been the best wars ever!

Next time I say we invade a country with ponies. Or puppies.

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