Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Meltdown: Revenge of the Turkey

Quick update before I go out to take the edge off some holiday stress with tequila, rum, and whatever else they've got at Applebee's some Thanksgiving cheer. Add two (conservative religious) schools to the list of completed law school applications:

Pepperdine University -- Malibu, California (MAAAAAL-I-BOOOO!! *Shakes fist* You promised me a fee waiver! NOOOO!)
University of Notre Dame -- Somewhere in Indiana (fee waiver + Catholic choir boy = win)

Oh, if only they knew what they're getting into...

This Thanksgiving was gearing up to be the equivalent of Chernobyl with Pilgrims, but thankfully Divine Providence has kept feuding family members away from one another. Thanks be to God that there are other, shittier cities in this part of the state for them to go to. Look like any meltdowns this year will be in the Three Mile Island range. I can live with those radiation levels.

And with that, I'm off.

EDIT 11:16 P.M. Thanksgiving cheer not only dampens my hatred of haters, but it also makes me love everything. At the risk of sounding like a drunken sorority girl, I have some of the best friends in the world! (Okay, not true. A lot of times they're neurotic bums, but I'm happy to have people in my life, nonetheless. I could be a sad, lonely cat lady. Also, thank God I'm back at the house and not around people right now. I'd probably be hugging acquaintances of either gender and telling them I loved them.)

EDIT 11:21 P.M. Yes, I know it's Wednesday and the middle of the week. But tomorrow's the day the Pilgrims discovered America, so it's okay.

EDIT 11:22 P.M. The edit above is a joke. I know that Allen Iverson discovered America and not the Pilgrims, so please get off my case.

EDIT 11:25 P.M. I was gonna work on more law school applications right now, but something tells me I should wait until morning. By the way...I love you guys! *histrionically*

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